Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Brynnie went to her first day of preschool on Monday!!! Her eyes are all red in the picture because she had been crying. Not from having to leave me of course, but from having to come back home. We got there and I was all prepared to give her a pep-talk about not worrying because I'd be back soon, but I didn't get the chance. She let go of my hand and ran past me into the house with the other kids, muttering under her breath "good riddance," or something like that.
I took another picture today on her second day to try and get one without her crying. I told her that as soon as I picked her up without any tears we'd go get a princess backpack to put all of her school stuff in. Unfortunately, she didn't earn it today. Maybe next time.

She is doing Joy School and I love it! All of the moms take turns having school at their house. I'll only have to do it every six weeks, but I am actually really excited for my turn!


Unknown said...

how cute. that's good that she loves it so much.

Christy said...

Hooray for Preschool! Kelly and I are totally laughing that she cried when you picked her up. That's hilarious!!!
I have to say you're a brave woman for doing joy school. I think it's an awesome way to do preschool, I personally just have no patience, and wouldn't want to teach. Therefore, we pay for preschool, and my children get to learn something. It's great!!

Jana said...

LOL, good riddance! Sorry she's not as attached to you as you are to her, HA! She's so cute. Emma just commented on how GROWN UP she is! And the joy school thing sounds super fun!