Sunday, February 21, 2010

The evolution of Cinderella... finally complete. *sniff*

Brynn has loved Cinderella since before she could really talk. The different ways she has said Cinderella have all been so cute and I've been dreading the day she could finally say it correctly. But, sadly the day has come. So to pay tribute (and to put it down so that I won't forget it), here is the evolution of Cinderella.

1. "Weh-wuh"

2. "Ci-weh-wuh"

3. "Ci-weh-yuh"

4. "See-wee-weh-yuh"

5. "Cin-duh-leh-luh"

6. "Cin-der-luh-luh"

7. "Cinderella!"

Congrats, kid. It's been a long road, but you've finally made it. :)


AmbertheGreat said...

so sad and so happy to see them learn and grow! love the pictures of bryce, cute hair cut, he looks just like MArty!

Jana said...

That is so cute and the picture is BEYOND ADORABLE!!! I love it so much!! I love the learning to talk phase.