Oh my goodness, I LOVED this general conference! This probably would have been more helpful to post before conference, but I just wanted to put something out there. This is something that I got from my sophomore year of seminary, and I have been doing it ever since. I pick out a session that is MY session of conference. Then about a half hour before it starts, I pray and I tell Heavenly Father every single little thing that I am dealing with in my life. I tell Him all about my most serious trials, and even the small things that I'm sometimes tempted to think he wouldn't notice. Even just that much feels really good! But then I have a notebook and pen in hand and the second that conference starts, I am hit with a wave of personal revelation. It starts from the the opening song and I am usually writing, writing, writing for 30 to 45 minutes. And then of course I get moments of inspiration after that, too, but for that space of time I receive really specific instruction that, if I follow, helps me to be a better person and really helps me with my trials and problems - even the small ones. I've been surprised by some of the things I have written, but in every case I have come to realize that it has been perfectly tailored for me and my life. After conference, I type them up and either put them some place I will see them, like on a mirror, or inside my scriptures. Marty has gotten used to the drill, and asks me which will be my session. That way he'll know why I am not answering any of his questions or chatting back - I am DEEEEEEP in thought, and writing like crazy!
I know that was kind of personal, it's just made such a huge impact on my life, that I thought someone else might like to try it. I am so grateful for the gift of personal revelation in this life - I don't think I could make it through without it!
Ugh! Now I see what people are referring to when they talk about spam comments! Sorry guys, I guess I finally just give up and enable the word verification setting. It's such a pain, but I don't want any more annoying comments like the above.
I love your idea of having a specific session. One thing I like to do is focus on a specific question/trial that I am dealing with, then before conference starts, pray about it and then just listen and take notes for all the sessions, it is amazing how there will be someone who will say something that just cuts to my heart and answers my question or gives me the strengh and inspiration I need. I love your idea also, I'll have to try that. The key is convincing Jeffrey that I need to focus for two hours! Don't you love conference with toddlers!!! We are so blessed to be mommies!
I tivoed Conference again and I am totally gonna do that while Isabel is at pre school on Monday. Thanks soo much for your kind comment on my post about Alek. I read it to him.
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