Thursday, April 5, 2012

General Conference and spicy food

Was anybody else SERIOUSLY chastened during this last general conference? I've decided that being chastened during General Conference is kind of like spicy food - It hurts so bad and yet it's such a wonderful experience! :) As always, I've come away with a great big list of stuff to work on.  Anyway, we really did have a great and very full weekend. 

We started off with feijoada (Brazilian black bean stew and rice).  Mmmmmm.  I didn't want to leave Gabe out.  And YES, I'm aware you're not supposed to put the bumbo seat on an elevated surface, bla bla bla, I was right there. :)

Then we decided to set up the tent.  Partly because we still feel a little bad about our spring break "vacation," and partly because we wanted to do the whole "facing-your-tent-toward-the-prophet-during-general-conference-kind-of-like-King-Benjamin thing."

 I call this series of pictures:  "Thank you for setting up the tent for us, Daddy."

 Marty got out the illustrated Book of Mormon and went over the story of King Benjamin, but to be honest the kids were pretty hyper in there and I don't know that it really sunk in.  We started watching conference in the tent on Marty's laptop (we don't get it on TV in AZ anyway) but it was a little rowdy, crowded, and hot, so we went inside.


 Marty made cinnamon rolls the next morning with the kids.  I tried to talk him out of it.  Start to finish (including clean up) it took a big portion of the day.  But he had fun with the kids.  Unfortunately, cooking is no longer fun for me, standing around on that hard tile floor is just painful.  But that was a goooooood breakfast.
 The bag idea was lifted strait from pinterest.  Each apostle's picture is on a bag, and inside is an activity for them to do while listening to that apostle.  To be honest, it was even better than I was hoping for.  They were so excited to get the bags and most of the activities kept them pretty busy.  Luckily, Bryce slept through both afternoon sessions.  This bag had a couple Friend magazines in it along with scissors and glue and they got to make a collage with whatever pictures they wanted.
 In another bag was conference bingo.  We really lucked out on this bag, because we've done bingo a few years in a row now, and we have NEVER ended up with a board this full!  Thank you, Elder Hales!

So, we had to watch conference upstairs on our computer, and sadly it got pretty hot on Saturday.  I was so determined to stick it out, but by the afternoon session and I couldn't take it any more.  I turned on the air conditioner.  That was March 31st, folks.  I didn't even make it until April.  I haven't needed to use it since then, but I don't know...we may be in for a hot one this year.  (At least I'm not pregnant.)

In other news.......

The day after conference I cried multiple times.

First, when Gabe had to get his four month shots.  He is such a perfect little angel, how COULD they???

And second, when I registered Brynn for kindergarten.  I'm still deciding which experience was more embarrassing.  Either way, I don't think I'm cut out for the emotions that accompany motherhood. Especially since Monday I was a constant blubbering gushing mess over my beautiful children, and today all I wanted to do was to give them away, ha ha.  Seriously, though. 

What a roller coaster.  It is SOOO time to find a creative way to STOP the FIGHTING!  It's getting completely out of hand.  Bryce knows exactly what buttons to push and Brynn so easily has an emotional meltdown (and from reading this last post, I can't imagine where she got THAT from...). 

Oh, speaking of contention, a couple of days ago they were playing together and Daddy went off to young men's.  It had been a long day so I gave them a big talking-to about being peace-makers and they promised they'd be good.  So just a few minutes later I hear them fighting, and I am thinking about intervening when I overhear, "Oh, Bryce!  Mommy told us to be peace-makers!"  And I'm thinking, "You GO, girlie!"  And then I hear her whisper, "So we need to fight quieter...."

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