Sunday, May 17, 2009

Something to show for it

Well, at Bryce's two week check-up, he was already 9 pounds - an entire pound more than he was at birth!

Check out the rolls on this kid! I love the feeling that I have something to show for all that feeding, since I am pretty sure that's all I EVER do, day OR night.

Double chin!

Leg rolls!

My sleepy guy can't even stay awake for a bath!

Marty and I fight over who gets to part his hair after a bath!


Cheryl and Dave said...

Oh my goodness! He is SO CUTE!! Congrats guys!

Grandpa and Grandma Oldham said...

Oh you guys, he's too cute for words!!! I just want to get my hands on him.

Anonymous said...

Oh my he is so CUTE! Emily I think you must be feeding him straight cream. I agree with you that it is a good feeling to see them gain weight.

Jana said...

He's so handsome with the part in his hair! And WOW, a pound already!?! That's amazing!

Unknown said...

What a handsome boy!

Unknown said...

He is truly a beautiful baby! I love the little fat rolls. Good job on the feeding!