Well, my brother made it safe and sound to Palmer Station! (You can read a tidbit about it here.) Because the government posts a live feed of Palmer Station online, we actually got to see his ship come in! Brynn was VERY excited, although Bryce was too busy throwing up (more on that later).
It's coming...
just a little closer...
And, "Hi, Corey!" Those small black specks off to the side of the ship are people, and I'm going to go ahead and assume that one of them is him. :)
Bryce has had a stomach flu all week and was SO miserable that day. At the time all this was going on, he was doing so poorly and I really wanted him to be able to just lay on the couch downstairs and watch a movie. That meant lots of going up and down the stairs to check the computer and see if the boat had come in. Finally I gave up and asked my mom to text me when he was coming. She saw the boat, texted me, and SECONDS later Bryce was crying that he was about to throw up, Gabe face-planted (hard) into the sliding glass door and got his arm stuck between that and the screen door, and Brynn dumped her bowl of cereal all over the kitchen table, chairs, floor and high chair (I'm not convinced she didn't THROW it). And guess what I said? "Sorry, kids!" I ran upstairs and watched anyway. I know that sounds terrible, but Bryce didn't throw up after all, Gabe got himself unstuck and calmed down just fine, and Brynn cleaned up the cereal mess herself. I guess that's our present from the kids, Corey. :)
A FB message to Corey:
- Thursday
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