Monday, May 10, 2010

Bring it

Dear Arizona Summer,

Bring it on, I'm ready.

*I've got ice packs in the freezer waiting to be placed in the car seat covers while we are at the grocery store.
*I've also got a freezer full of ice cubes waiting to go into the kiddie pool when it feels like a hot tub.
*The kids are stocked with hats, and we have multiple bottles of sunscreen in the house, in the car, and wherever else we may need them.
*We have picked our list for kids activities that take place in nice, cold, air-conditioned buildings (which includes the cultural hall at Daddy's work - can't wait!).
*I have my "cool foods for a hot day" recipes all together.
*We are stocked up on Otter Pops.
*We have not one, but two trips to Utah planned for the summer.
*We finally have a car with decent air-conditioning.

Those things, added to the fact that I am truly acclimating to the heat, not pregnant, and am learning to love the desert, make me able to say: Bring on the heat! The stifling 120 degree days! The melted shoes, plastic, or basically anything else I leave out in the sun! The feeling of a hot blow-dryer in your face as you walk outside into the dead of night and expect a nice cool breeze!

So let's take this out to the flag pole! I'm not afraid!!!


Helen said...

Awesome Em!

Unknown said...

ice packs for the car seat? That is such a great idea!! I can't believe I've never thought of that before.

David & Jessica said...

I wish I was in Arizona!! :) I must be crazy but I love the desert! Hey when you come to utah we should try and get the gang together, do you know when you are coming and if you will have time to go out to dinner or something? let me know and I will try to get something put together ;)

Jana said...

Excuse me, but could you please keep your mouth shut and not tempt the summer gods? Some of us would rather die than live here one more summer...just sayin'.

Miss Niss said...

funny, totally not looking forward to summer this year...especially not the swetting profusely just walking from the car to the inside of the store!!! hahaha

Janelle said...

I seem to forget how bad it really gets until it really gets here and then it all comes back!

taylorfamily said...

Haha, That is so funny. I completely know what you are saying though. We've got ourselves prepared too.