Brynn is in a ballerina phase, so my mom got her old toe shoes out of the ceder chest to let Brynn play with them.
Here she is teaching Brynn the positions.
The Utah Raptor

Bryce learned to point that day!

Digging for bones.

Learning about erosion.

Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa Oldham. My cousin Christy and I were the only two girl cousins. Every time we went to this house, the first place we would go was to the guest bedroom dresser to get out my grandma's costume jewelry. This was the first time Brynn got to play with it, and the first time in quite a while that I had seen it. It was everything it should have been. :)
Digging for bones.
Bryce bonding with Great Grandpa O. He just kept crawling over to him, it was the sweetest thing.
Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa Peterson at Hearthstone Manor.
I can't believe what an angel Bryce was with all the great grandparents and how quickly he wrapped them all around his finger!
We got there on my Dad's birthday (April 5th), and here we are opening and playing with toys, AND playing with....
SNOW! April is a crazy month in Utah.
I heart this picture so much.

Speaking of the Grandparents of the Year award...
My mom built a snowman with Brynn,
Got into a snowball fight,

And warmed her up with hot chocolate.
The picture of Brynn and Grandma P makes my heart melt. Such a sweetie.
AWWW how wonderful. Thanks for sharing all that with us.
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