I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Holidays (including birthdays) are SO MUCH FUN with kids! As a parents, it's obviously not reasonable to be able to give your kids whatever they desire, and spend every waking moment playing with them or giving them your total, undivided attention. But on their birthday, you can get pretty close to that without feeling guilty that you're spoiling them or not getting any work done!
My favorite thing is going into their room singing the Happy Birthday song right after they wake up. I love seeing their face light up as they realize how important they are on this day. So we did that and opened a few presents before Marty went to work.

G&G J gave him a whole bunch of balls for his birthday. A perfect present, since right now he is all about throwing anything he can get his hands on (usually inappropriate things).

He was having so much fun with them, so later in the day Brynn and I got the idea to gather up all the balls in the house and put him right into the middle of ball heaven!

We got the pool out, too! Not a day too soon, I was hot and cooling off in that nice little pool was just too much for me to resist.
Sloppy football cake (no judging! my first cake turned out to be a complete disaster and this is what I could save!)

I bet you were just thinking, "Oh dear, no messy high chair pictures in the last few posts? Whatever shall I do?" Don't worry, I wouldn't let you down!
Uh, no thanks Brycer, you eat it.

I know, I'd be upset if I was that messy and had eaten that much cake, too.

Sigh, no more birthdays until September.