Anyway, we are having a great summer! Marty started teaching school again back on July 30th - they start so early out here. But I think it will be worth it to have two weeks off in the fall and spring, not to mention an awesome Christmas vacation. Anyway, he LOVES Queen Creek High Seminary!!! He loves the people he works with, he loves working closer to home, but he especially LOVES HIS STUDENTS! These youth are so amazing. I've had a chance to know some of his students pretty well working with the Young Women and teaching piano, and I love them all to bits and pieces. We are very excited for this school year.
Brynn is growing and changing so much. The last couple of days I have been trying to spend every second I can with her. The older she gets and the more she changes, the more I start to worry that soon she won't really want to play with me anymore, and that will be a SAD day. The other day Brynn was talking to the secretary at Marty's school and she just rattled off this big long sentence about how I was sick, but now I feeling better. I'm sure Sister Arter's didn't think twice about it, but Marty's and my jaw just dropped. She's also learned all her letters and letter sounds and a few weeks ago she was painting and started saying, "Mommy, a D! A D, Mommy!" And I was cleaning the kitchen and said something like, "That's nice, Brynn." But then I looked at what she was actually painting, and she really was painting "D"s. My little princess is growing up!

Also, we have finally moved Brynn from her crib to a big-girl bed. We haven't moved her before, just because she loved her crib so much. I figured we would just move her when she started trying to climb out. But I've just been waiting and waiting, and she keeps...not climbing out. Meanwhile, Bryce is a gigantic baby, has seriously outgrown his cradle, and really needs the crib. So we finally bought this cute, barely-used princess bed at a garage sale a couple weeks ago. Ever since then, Brynn has been having lots more fun and a LOT less sleep. For a long time we couldn't get her to leave the light off at night and we could NOT get her to stay in her room. So we put one of those plastic safety door-knobs on her door. But we'd put her to bed, shut the door, and hear, "!" And she had turned the light on and was playing. Then before too long she figured out how to get the door-knob OFF and would just come out anyway. SO now at night I unscrew her light bulb and TAPE her doorknob together. She WILL sleep! :)
This is what Brynn's room looks like after her naps:
She's always got these displays set up, it is too funny.

And Bryce. Oh, Bryce, Bryce, Bryce. I couldn't keep this kid healthy if my life depended on it. Last week I walked out of the room for 20 seconds to use the bathroom and heard Bryce screaming. I ran in and asked Brynn why he was crying. She put her head down and said, "Scratch Bryce." Grr! He calmed down pretty quick, I stopped worrying about it, and put them both down for the night. The next morning I got Brynn all ready to go to a friend's house, all I needed to do was get Bryce up and feed him. But when he got up, I could see with all the lights on that his eye was really red. I looked in closely and saw a great big scratch on his lens. Sigh. We called the Dr., they told us to come right in, (MORE doctor apps. for Bryce, are you KIDDING me?) put the blue light on his eye, and they saw the same thing I did. Eye drops for a week. Not a huge deal, but it's just always something with that kid. So that week he was on four different medications for various, mild-but-still-kinda-sad maladies.
We did find out at the doctor that he weighs over 16 pounds! He is three months, and Brynn weighed 17 pounds at a year old! But then she was in the fifth percentile and he is in the 95th.
On the FUN side, he is giggling! You really have to work for it, but it is SO worth it! One of the happiest feelings I get is hearing my kids laugh. Everything in life seems ok while they are laughing.
Also, Bryce is NOT a great sleeper. He thinks he needs to eat every two and a half hours during the day AND at night. But last night he slept from 10:00 pm until 6:00 am! I haven't had this much energy in months! :)
The things we do a lot together are reading...
...and we love our morning snuggles.
Brynn and I did our favorite craft project yet!
We painted clothespins white:
Then decorated them....
And then used them to hang Brynn's masterpieces in her room!
Sounds like you guys are having a fun and busy summer. Kids just need to stop growing up so quick!
a great find for panda fanatic!
my roomate won't put it down!!!
Don't worry Em, your daughter will continue to want to play with you for a good long least that's how it's been at my house! Hope you're ready for Barbies soon.
I LOVE when they set up their toys and dolls all perfect, like they're all sleeping or maybe they're playing school or all makes sense in their minds!
I cannot believe that chubbers you have for a son! Almost the size of a 1-year-old, holy's crazy the different sizes of these kids...these days...uh.
Cute idea with the clothespins! I may have to borrow that one...
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