Monday, February 9, 2009

I've discovered that I like...


(This picture looks a lot darker here than it did on my camera, but it's Marty playing croquet in our back yard)

Fresh Coconut,

And asking Brynn to say coconut.


Anonymous said...

I've only played crouqet a couple of times but I think it is so fun!
That video is hilarious - Brynn is so cute!

Helen said...

I'm so glad you like coconut. Justin brought me coconut gelato on Friday. I am a coconut FANATIC so I always need people on my side in the great life debates about coconut and black licorice. Did you make horse hooves with the shell? Clip-clop-clip-clop.

Marty and Emily said...

No horse shells, we ended up really smashing it. Which means no clip-clop (from Marty, not the 2 yr old) in my ear all day long. :) But Helen, black licorice? I can never join your side, I'm sorry.

Christy said...

Um... why do you have to post such awful things? Really!! Do you know how much snow we have here? And yet you're playing croquet in the back yard. SO NOT FAIR!!! I want to be in Arizona so bad right now. Love and miss you guys.

Jana said...

That is so cute!! And HOLY Hair!! She's awesome...and you're so good at saying those words, Emily! Gooooood Girl!!!
And hallelujah about our weather, eh? Ah, the lovely rain this weekend...

mcranford said...

I am a little jealous of the shorts and bare feet!