Apparently baby Bryce didn't get the memo that we only know how to buy pink in this house. :) I am thrilled, and Marty? How do I describe Marty's elation?...Nope, don't think I can, you'd just have to see the giddy smile that's been plastered on his face all day.
Everything looks normal, and so far it appears as though the baby is right on track. Which is nice because it was SO frustrating to push my due date back and back and back last time. Of course, this time I don't have to worry about running into Christmas!
We can't wait to welcome you, Bryce!
Congratulations! We are so excited for you. We love having our little boy and are excited to meet our next one in 4 weeks! I hope all goes well for you.
Jenn C.
I am so excited for you. It is so fun to have one of each. Plus, if you ask me boys are so much easier!!!
Yay! Congratulations. Your daughter is so cute! I can't wait to see your baby boy. I like the name Bryce a lot.
congrats! Little boys are so much fun!!
We are very excited for you guys.
and I'm sorry for marty all in the same breath. BYU didnt win but Bryce can wear a little BYU jersey with pride anyway.
YAY for a boy! I love my daughter but there was one reason we had her first. My boys were a dream! I am so happy for you guys. Oh, my brother says your in his Ward. I'm jealous, you get to see them more than I do.
That is so exciting now you can have one of each!! Cute name too! I am so excited for you! I hope you had a good thanksgiving!
The Challenge Starts TODAY (December 1st) we will see who can go the longest with out skipping a day!
Each monday you will need to go to my blog, www.dandjsmithfamily.blogspot.com and there is a voting poll with your name on it. If you worked out everyday that week you can vote on your name. If you skipped a day please leave me a comment and tell me the last day that you were able to work out.
It can be any form of exercise just as long as you do it for at least 10 minutes.
We are also doing a money pot of $5.00 each. I think that you should just have to pay the $5.00 as soon as you stop exercising that way if you keep on exercising you wont be out $5.00. (EVEN more of a motivation right?)
Well if you have any other ideas or comments on how you are going to achieve your goals I would love to hear them!
Good Luck!
You know, if I didn't recently gain a brother in law named Bryce, I'd be mad at you for stealing our favorite boy name. But I guess we won't ever be using it now that we have a Bryce in the family.
And of course Emma will do a live recital for you, whenever you come over! (We are located conveniently close to the Mesa Temple, which has nightly performances during this Christmas season).
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