Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brynn's First Monsoon!

About a month ago it rained pretty hard in the afternoon. I am a little homesick for seasons, so I try to take advantage of every rain drop that I can. I love the fact that in Mesa, you can stay out in the rain for as long as you want and never get cold. Brynn loved it, too! She was squealing up a storm (no pun intended). <-- YIKES! I promise never to do that again!

Marty was a little surprised to see his baby princess soaking wet outside. But it only took about 0.2 seconds for him to see how happy she was about it!

"Smiles don't have to be saved for a rainy day, it's good to waste them."

1 comment:

Admin said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rain!!!! Wasn't that the best storm ever?! I love that about the rain too - you can go and play in it and not get cold! Woo-hoo! We made paper boats that day and tried to run them in the gutter, but they just got all wet and mushy and sank... but it was a blast!