Friday, March 6, 2009


Ok, well I had a post about Mondays, now here's one about our Fridays.

Every Friday while Marty is at work, I take my girl out for a cheap treat somewhere. But today our car is out of comission, so instead, we stayed home and made our treat together! I have decided that lemon bars are a really fun treat to make with a toddler. She loved squishing the crust between her fingers and patting it into the pan.

Don't you love that you can do such cheesy things with your little kids, like wearing aprons together? :) That's pretty much the only time I actually wear one.

"Brynn, show me your messy hands"

She even wanted to help with the dishes! Awesome! And actually, she was pretty good about wiping things down under the water. Maybe I will have to give her more jobs....


Jana said...

You fun mom, you. I am in love with making treats with Emma. I've probably been a pretty bad influence on her that way, because she asks like every 3 days if we can make cookies. And usually I'm like, "SURE, you read my mind!!"
We wear aprons together too, and I pretty much only wear mine if Emma reminds me.
And check out your clean kitchen! You go girl.

Rhett & Angela said...

Hi Emily, It's Angela Rees...well now Chambers. I just found your blog from the class page. Your daughter is so adorable. It looks like you had so much fun cooking together. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to do things like that. How are you doing? It has been quite a while.

Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

How fun! Looks like a great activity to share with your daughter. Camryn and I are together every day as well, I need to be better about making certain moments or memories more memorable than others. :]
But you, you're doing GREAT at it!
We need to come see your guys' house still and play a bunch of games!