Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanks for Thanksgiving

This is a book I've been reading to Brynn a LOT lately! It's called "Thanks for Thanksgiving" by Julie Markes. And since our camera isn't working, I hope you don't mind all the old pictures! It was fun to go back through all of them.

Thanks for Thanksgiving, for turkey and pie.
Thank you for fall and gold leaves floating by.

Thank you for school. I love to feel smart!

Thank you for music, and dancing, and art!

Thank you for play dates, for swings and for slides.
Thank you for hopscotch and piggyback rides.
Thanks for umberellas, for rain boots and puddles.
Thank you for Mommy and warm, cozy cuddles.
Thank you for daddy and rides on a sled. (ha ha)
Thank you for kisses and tucks into bed.

Thanks for the moon and the stars up above,
But MOST of all thanks for the family I love!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Anonymous said...

This is so cute- I love it! It is fun to see old pic.s too- they are always fun :-) Such a good post for Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

I love this post Emily, We so need to get together.

Worthen World said...

That is sooo dang cute. Ilove the one where she is sleeping so comfy and the AZ pool instead of sled. Too cute.