Friday, October 19, 2007


I know it's been a REALLY long time since I posted anything, so I will try to keep this as brief as a long-winded person like me possibly can. I've been a little under the weather this week so this post of our Missouri trip is a little overdue. But here we go!

Last week we went to visit Marty's sister Kris Anne (and family) in Kirksville Missouri. While we were there we were lucky enough to visit many of the church history sites in that area. Unfortunately, about half of our pictures are on Kris Anne's camera, so I will post a few pictures that I have and add others later as I receive them.

One of the first places we went was the Women's Memorial in Nauvoo. I vaguely remember it from a trip we took there when I was ten. But this is the first time I have been there as a mommy. It was such a sweet experience to be there with my baby. The spirit was so strong. It just confirmed to me once again that this is what I am supposed to be doing with my life right now.

The temple site at Independence.

Brynn getting a taste of pioneer life at the Independence Visitor's Center.

The Community of Christ (RLDS) temple.

The dedicated temple site at Far West.

One of the cornerstones of the Far West temple.

Nothing can brighten your day like matching yellow and pigtails...

and chocolate chip pancakes!
Is it too terribly bad that a nine month old baby has developed a taste for chocolate? How else were we to know if we were really going to keep her? After all, if she didn't like chocolate, I might have to send her back!
Like I said, I'll post pictures later that include the highlight of the trip - the NAUVOO TEMPLE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh how fun. That is so exciting. I'm sorry you've been not feeling well. Hope it passes soon.

AmbertheGreat said...

YEA!!! We kept waiting for an update - I am bad about posting also. It sounds like you had a fun trip though. Hope you feel better soon

Logan & Lindy said...

What a fun trip to take with your little family!! Looks like you had such a enjoyable trip!! Get better soon!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous! I have always wanted to go to Missouri and visit the church history sites. It looks like you guys got to see a lot- which is awesome b/c I am sure that there is so much to see :-) Hope you are feeling better- nothing is worse than feeling sick!

michelle sparks said...

We should have driven to Missouri to see you guys!! So close, but yet so far. I hope your next trip east is to VA. Love you guys!!