Saturday, January 15, 2011

And here's where life is really good...

I'm whiny. All moms have those weeks. Anyway, Marty had the day off the next Monday so we went to see Despicable Me (which I think is actually pretty funny), even though we had already seen it at Marty's brothers HOUSE at Christmas. We just wanted to get OUT of the house and do something laid back. We went to the Superstition Springs dollar theater and after the movie the kids ran around for a while by the fountains. The weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! It felt so good to all of us to be running around happy and healthy and out in the Arizona sun. I like to soak up as much the sun as I can before I start to loooooooathe it during the summer.

Watching her shadow dance (of course).

My sweet reasons for doing what I do:

The perfect day to wash the taste of the last two weeks out of my mouth. :)

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