I've forgotten to post a couple of updates on my family, so here are just a few things.
Marty really wanted me to post this. It is a video taken at the airport right after I got back from Alaska. It was a happy reunion for all of us, but especially for Brynn and Bryce. I had no idea how much these two would miss each other.
Also, Brynn got her cast off! Marty was the one who took her to the appointment which was a little bit disastrous, but I had the scary experience of getting a cast removed as a kid so that's pretty much what we were expecting. What we weren't expecting was the big barrette that Brynn had shoved down her cast and her skin started to grow around. Yeah, I was really happy to miss that one. But she's doing great!
Bryce is 6 months old! He is slimming down a little with his weight in the 70th percentile and his height in the 80th. And he is now officially bigger than Brynn was at one year.
He started solid foods, too! We started him on squash, and of course being part Oldham he LOVED it! Not so fond of peas though. Here's a video I took this morning.
And speaking of squash, I didn't forget! I will be sure to get my annual squash post with new recipes up here soon. I know you just can't wait, Jana. :)