Moving has stressed me out so much that I wanted to completely forget about blogging. But I'm worried that if I don't do a little catch-up now, I will be too overwhelmed to ever post again!
Gardener Villaige Petting ZooFrom our trip back to Utah in June
wow it's been awhile. Congrats on the new house. You'll have to post more pics when it's done. Can't wait to see it. I hope everything is going well.
Congrats on moving into your new house. I'm sure you are having a lot of fun. Keep the picetures coming. Hope you like your new ward. We will really miss you in this one
Emily! I just found your blog on the sf site, this is Clerissa Lewis, formerly Richter, hopefully you remember me. My blog is, if pictures help ring a bell, I used to have crazy curly permed hair... that is the biggest difference, that and I am fatter now since I have had two kids, the last one was just born in February. But yes, email me sometime... if you remember me, so we can catch up!
oh, ps, you family is adorable! Your baby is so cute!
Ha, yep, we do have the same bday, I remembered that too! I bust out the old box every now and then, mostly around Christmas, I need to get back into it. Jasmin loves to dance and music, and when I have gotten it out she is just in heaven, it's just finding the energy is the kicker :) SO yes, my email is if you want to drop me a line and fill me in on everything :) Like how did you meet your hubby, what you guys are up to, where you are living, the works :)
Good luck with the move!!! I hope every things goes well! I am jealous you are in a house!!! Whoo. but I am happy for you guys. I am glad you have a blog so I can see whats going on with you!
I am so glad that you commented on my blog! Your daughter is a doll and you are as beautiful as ever! My sister lives in Mesa and I love it down there. Too bad Kasey hates the heat!!
Em- Sorry I missed you that week. It was a busy week for us hopefuly next time we can get together. It looks like you had a great time. I am excited for your new house, post more pictures for sure. hope everything is going well for you guys.
Hey Emily, I'm just letting everyone know that I am going private so come check out my blog and let me know if you want an invite.
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